Give Buyers the Content They Actually Want:

Key Findings from the 2024 Benchmark Report

Do you know what content your buyers actually consume?

We recently analyzed hundreds of content libraries (and tens of thousands of content assets) to understand how B2B content consumption and creation has changed over the past 3 years.


In this webinar, we share key findings and what this means for the modern marketing strategy.


We’ll cover:

  • The content types/formats that keep buyers engaged

  • Which formats marketers have embraced (and which they've deprioritized)

  • How to align your content strategy with evolving buyer preferences

No slides. No pitching. Just our own marketing team sharing some new data.

Meet Your Speakers


Pete Lorenco

VP of Marketing


Katey Townshend

Sr. Content Marketing Manager


Christina Gaspar

Sr. Demand Gen Manager


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